
简介:美国国立精神卫生研究所的报告指出,大约1880万美国成年人有抑郁的症状。不同年龄层、不同种族、不同性别和不同社会经济群体都有可能得抑郁症。它使人无心工作,人际关系紧张,有时候甚至使人了无生趣。   所以,如果有许多人为抑郁所困扰,我们为什么要对此现象保持沉默? 《走出抑郁阴影》就是PBS的一期多向探索抑郁的复杂问题的节目,为这种疾病展开广泛而及时的调查。   The National Institute of Mental Health reports that approximately 18.8 million American adults have a depressive disorder. The disease is not discriminating, seeping into all age, race, gender, and socioeconomic groups. Depression stalls careers, strains relationships, and sometimes ends lives.   So if this many people are living with the disease, why the silence? DEPRESSION: Out of the Shadows is a multi-dimensional PBS project that explores the disease's complex terrain, offering a comprehensive and timely examination of this devastating disorder.…